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Almost 50% of millennials have a tattoo, but many of them are not happy with the decision they made. If you are among those that regret having a tattoo, there’s good news for you: You can get rid of your tattoo through laser removal techniques with minimal side effects. Recent advances in the tattoo technology have made it possible to address “tattoo remorse”. It no longer has to be just accepted because it can already be dealt with immediately. Reasons for or wanting a tattoo removal include employment, change of beliefs, and change of spouse/partner.

Laser-tattoo-removaLIf you want clear, scar-free skin then Blast My Ink is the right place for tattoo removal. Tattoos removed using the right techniques produce phenomenal results. Blast My Ink is dedicated to providing desired tattoo removal results. Now the thing about tattoo is that they are meant to be permanent, which is why removal can be very difficult. We do not just claim to be experts in the field; we have performed hundreds of tattoo removal services over the years.

Our Tattoo Removal Process

The latest laser tattoo removal methods performed by our experts will provide you with unmatched results. We perform treatments in a comfortable environment with a staff that work together to create a relaxing and welcoming environment. Laser tattoo removal through PicoSure is more effective and require fewer treatments compared to other technologies so we guarantee that you can get back to a “clear canvass” faster. Until recently, tattoo removal options available in the market left visible scars and were often too painful to handle.

The professional services delivered by our experienced experts make us the leading destination for tattoo removal in Allen, TX. We use the most advanced technique available in the market for our tattoo removal treatments. Here at Blast my Ink, our methods will guarantee minimal side effects and scarring. Before medical laser, tattoo removal involved painful methods such as excision, cryosurgery and dermabrasion, which often result in severe scarring.

PicoSure breaks up ink into tiny pieces, which are then naturally flushed out by the body over time. Here at Blast My Ink, state-of-the-art laser tattoo removal are performed by licensed medical professionals because we want to ensure your safety and comfort.

Tattoo Removal Facts


The actual price can only be confirmed after the initial consultation. For most patients, 4 weeks is the most sufficient time to wait in between tattoo removal sessions. Most patients undergo 6 to 12 sessions depending on the colors of the tattoo, how long it has been, the amount of ink used and the size it covers. The price varies depending on these factors as well. We will be honest enough to say that in some cases, 100% complete removal may not be possible.

In any case, removing a tattoo cannot be done completely in just one session. It will require several treatments for the tattoo to become lighter and eventually removed. The entire process can take more than one year to complete, so it takes a lot of commitment and patience. The cost of having a tattoo removed is often 10 times as much as having it done. We often recommend financing since the costs can be a little too expensive for most people.

Even if the removal procedure was done properly it may still scar if the patient fails to follow aftercare instructions. Incorrect aftercare also poses a risk for scarring. A tattoo removal session will involve some pain, but with the advanced methods that we use, it will be less than you expect. If you have been wanting to have your tattoo removed, consult a physician or tattoo removal expert today to find out which options you have.

Certain colors are more effectively removed than others. Traditional methods caused bleeding, trauma and severe scarring, but we assure you that our non-invasive techniques will leave your skin smooth and clean again. This means that a black tattoo on light skinned individuals, for example, is easier to remove than a green or purple tattoo on tanned skin.
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